Get the best offers on your hotel stay in Winchester
Truly royal offers
With so many things to do and see in Winchester, we’ve carefully curated these offers - each one designed to make you feel truly royal.
Wine & Dine Offer – £78 Per Couple
Treat yourselves to a delicious meal for two in Winchester with our fantastic Wine & Dine offer ~ £78 per couple.
Two For One – Sunday Lunch Offer
Leave the cooking and the washing up to us..... Bring your family and friends and enjoy a 2-4-1 offer on our delicious Sunday lunch at Winchester Royal Hotel.
Book Direct Benefits
Book direct & receive up to 25% off your room rate & a host of benefits during your stay.
Easter Special Day Delegate Package
Treat the delegates with Easter treats during your meeting from £35pp
The Royal Package
If you're looking for that bit of extra royalty, this two-night stay includes dinner and breakfast from just £229 per room.
The Cathedral Package
This two-night break includes everything you need, including entry tickets to the Cathedral, Winchester’s number one attraction , from just £349 per room.
Armed Forces, NHS and Emergency Services
We are able to offer a range of exclusive discounts for serving and retired members of the armed forces and emergency services personnel.